NHHS Class of 1984 - 40 yr Reunion

Buy Raffle Tickets | 4 for $20.00

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Total  $20.00

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NHHS Class of 1984 - 40th Reunion Raffle

Here are the prizes

2 Good 2 Be 2Gether! $50 in $2 bills

Donated by
Gail Lebowitz O'Callaghan
Bulletproof Vintage, UK
Hilary Avalon

Schiermeyer's Bavarian Nuts - $100 value

Donated by
Pete Schiermeyer
Schiermeyer's Bavarian Nuts
Stanley Appleman

NorCal Beach Weekend, Dillon Beach

Donated by
Hilary Avalon and Gary McCalla
Blue Whale House, Dillon Beach
Joannie Han-Dressor

Disneyland for 4 & one night at the Grand Californian

Donated by
Gena Cadiente
Mary Carol Garon

Dodger Season Tickets, 2 tickets

Donated by
Jason Downey
JD Newsie
Sandra Brenneise

Beginning Piano Lessons - on Zoom!

Donated by
AJ McCalla
AJ McCalla Music
Kathleen Cushing-Murray

UCLA Men's Basketball - 2 tickets

Donated by
Jason Klein
Scott Spector

Round of Golf for 4 at DeBell Golf Club

Donated by
Tournaments and Private Events Team
DeBell Golf Club
Bob Bell

Vintage 80s Cassette Tapes

Donated by
Gerald Yospur

Burke Williams Spa - $400 Gift Card

Donated by
Burke Williams
Diane Masry

Luxe Picnic Basket

Donated by
NHHS Reunion Committee
NHHS Class Reunion
Scott Sandler

Holysticspa Gift Box

Donated by
Joe and Peggy Ourfalian

Donated by


Here are the details

Let the raffle begin. Here are the rules:

We will be collecting prizes to raffle off.  If you would like to donate, here is what we will do.

  1. The prize value is $50 or more.   ie. Dinner for 2, Retail Gift Card, Online Gift Cards.
  2. You will be listed as "Donated by" unless you prefer anonomous.
  3. A link to your company or charity will be promoted for years to come.
  4. As Reunion Tickets are purchased, each person will receive 1 Free Raffle ticket.
  5. Guests tickets will also receive 1 free raffle ticket.
  6. Raffle winners will be announced at the event.
  7. Additional tickets can be purchased before and during the event.


We will be collecting prizes to raffle.  If you would like to donate, here is what we will do.
1. The prize value should be greater than $50
    ie - Dinner for 2, Retail Gift Card, Online Gift Cards, 
2. You will be listed as "Donated by" unless you prefer to remain anonomous.
3. A link to your company or charity will be promoted for years to come.

The idea is to build extra excitement for our event and fun that night.

Call your reunion committee with any questions.


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